Coping with the challenges of a rapidly changing voice landscape

Rolf Nafziger, Senior Vice President of the Deutsche Telekom International Wholesale Business Unit, shares his outlook on upcoming trends in the voice marketplace and talks about why voice partnerships have become increasingly important

Q 1 | What are your views on how the voice market will evolve over the next years?

With increasing volumes of traffic and the rapid evolution of technology, it has become more and more difficult and cost-intensive for carriers to invest in their own infrastructures, networks and solutions. In the future, it will be exceedingly important to maintain a high level of flexibility in order to keep pace with changing market and customer requirements, and boost the efficiency needed to make voice offerings economically feasible. I believe the entire face of the voice market will be radically transformed in the not-so-distant future, and in order for operators to survive, many will need to look into completely revamping their business models.

Read the full interview in ITW DAILY Monday May 11, 2015, page 9

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