White paper: What is IPX’s role in the IoT ecosystem?

ICSS’s Christian Wollner illustrates how the IoT ecosystem is predicted to evolve in the coming years and how important this market will become for MNOs.

The Internet of Things (IoT) is one of the hottest topics right now. Let's take an example. A car manufacturer wants to fight car theft. They have designed a system that would constantly check two parameters: "is the car in motion?" and "are the wheels turning?". In the normal case the answers are "yes/yes" (car is being used) or "no/no" (car is parked). If however it's a "yes/no", then the chances are that the car has been stolen, towed onto a truck and is now being shipped to a remote location where it is safe and reasonable to sell it. In order to activate the alarm bell, the system obviously needs a GPS and connectivity to communicate its exact location in the case of theft. Is this a brand new IoT use case? Not exactly. Deutsche Telekom provided SIM cards for this use case back in the early 2000's. (We did not call it "IoT" or even "m2m" in those days, we simply called it "telematics" – but then again what’s in a name?).

Many innovations move forward slowly but steadily in the first phase. When they finally come to a tipping point they go "through the roof". This is exactly the case with IoT. We are moving from "some devices are connected" to "most things in our world are connected": a connected home, a connected city, a connected vehicle.

With the predicted explosion of connected devices within the coming years the IoT ecosystem will evolve and increase the importance of this market for MNOs. Why should IPX become the natural facilitator for IoT?

Read the full white paper  to find out the answer.

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