Revamping strategies for an industry in transition

Rapid changes in the wholesale industry: growth opportunity or losing battle? Read what Rolf Nafziger, SVP of Deutsche Telekom's International Wholesale Business Unit (IBU), has to say in Capacity's 'Wholesale World 2018'.

The telecommunications industry is quickly changing.
Traditional service margins are fast declining, while newer technologies and markets are in a continual state of transformation. Many wholesalers are struggling to cope with these challenges and fighting to stay profitable. But DT’s International Wholesale Business Unit (IBU) is rising above the battle – by taking advantage of the opportunities change brings. To that end, IBU’s strategy for 2018 embraces flexibility, agility and innovation.

Together with DT’s International Carrier Sales & Solutions (ICSS) division, the organization will focus on the topics of security, digitization and Internet of Things (IoT). ICSS’s 360° Defense Strategy will continue to undergo enhancements to protect clients against increasingly sophisticated threats. To improve services while simplifying processes and reducing costs, digitization is another crucial aim. IBU also intends to capitalize on the immense potential in the IoT market and is exploring ways to offer customized IoT solutions.

At the same time, IBU will explore new business opportunities, by moving into non-traditional, high-growth areas. This has already been accomplished with several projects, foremost among them the European Aviation Network (EAN). It is the world’s first broadband connectivity solution for passengers flying across the skies of Europe and was accomplished through collaboration with several European partners.

To find out more about what IBU and ICSS are doing to ensure growth for the entire telco industry, see the latest issue of Capacity's Wholesale World.

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